This application capability to show efficiency of personnel via internet, local net. leave and mission requests, and all the legal limited are defined. This system with has 3 levels access to provided seeing for the manager.

- Use 3 level of user: normal user, administrator, senior administrator
- View and print the various of reports like as: profile, picture, enter and exit, present list, daily/ monthly/ periodical efficiency /, filtering based on first name and last name, user ID
- Access of user at 3 level of organization
- Define user
- Ability to change password
- Ability to choose the application
- Ability to define leave balance at least
- Ability to define time period for manager
- Enter the user without need any user ID ( active directory)
Office request
- Send request type of leave and mission ( hourly/ daily), license of extra work, revise the enter and exit.
- User can informed about enter and exit status
- User can informed about the latest status of leave balance.
- Senior administrator could be limited the send of time period
- Choose that manager could be seen the details
- Ability to apply the organizational for confirmation
- Ability to back the request by manager
- Ability to paraph by manager
- Web service
- Send Common Message by manager
- Status breaking in 5mode of each request: new, follow, not accepted, returned, final confirmation
- ability to define confirmation of request
- ability to follow up by user
- ability to see the records
- ability to see the final confirmation of request
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